Maximise Your Multi-Channel Strategy With Programmatic

6 July, 2023

40 Minutes

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Building Multi-Channel Marketing Campaigns

Your target audience is active across multiple channels. As a marketer, it’s crucial to meet them where they are to deliver the content and message that will resonate at that moment. 

This webinar looks at how to apply a multi-channel advertising strategy throughout the funnel using data-driven insights to target your audience at the right time. You’ll walk away with tips on how to optimise multi-channel marketing campaigns, maximise reach, and boost conversions across the different programmatic advertising channels.

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What You Will Learn

  • Core principles and benefits of a multi-channel marketing strategy.
  • How to leverage data to target your audience across the right channels.
  • How to utilise different channels to maximise audience reach and exceed campaign goals.
  • How to apply a full-funnel strategy across the different advertising channels using programmatic.

Our Speakers

Kane Walpole
Kane Walpole

Sales Manager, UK


Kane’s focus is on running travel and B2B campaigns with leading brands like IBM, Dell, and Cisco. He’s helped clients formulate creative multi-channel marketing campaigns that drove performance.

Lucy Chang
Lucy Chang

Sales Manager, UK


Lucy has 10+ years of experience across multiple facets like syndication, linear, digital, and audience-based solutions. She’s planned and executed campaigns across various industries.