Your Guide to Digital Out-of-Home Advertising in the UK and Europe

Illustrative graphic of the cover image of StackAdapt's guide to digital out-of-home advertising in the UK and Europe

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About This Guide

Learn what digital out-of-home advertising (DOOH) is, its benefits, and why you need to add it to your multi-channel strategy.

A person biking at night in front of digital out-of-home advertising

Putting the Digital in Out-of-Home Advertising

Out-of-home (OOH) advertising is one of the oldest forms of advertising. But over the past decade, as technology has advanced, DOOH advertising has emerged as one of the more reliable ways to reach and engage audiences in public, providing the precision of digital advertising with the impact of traditional OOH advertising.

DOOH On the Rise in the UK

Today, DOOH is one of the fastest-growing programmatic channels. In 2024, DOOH will account for 67.4% of total OOH spending in the UK—nearly double that of the US, where DOOH will only account for 34.4% of total OOH spend.

With cross-channel integration driving growth in the UK, and other areas throughout EMEA, there’s never been a better time to add DOOH to your media mix.

What You’ll Find Inside the Guide

  • An introduction to DOOH and emerging trends shaping its growth.
  • Five benefits of DOOH advertising.
  • The differences between programmatic DOOH and traditional OOH.
  • Tips on how to get started with DOOH advertising and reach your target audience.

Download your copy of the DOOH advertising guide now.