Your Guide to Digital Out-of-Home Advertising

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About This Guide

Learn what digital out-of-home advertising (DOOH) is, its benefits, and how to add it to your multi-channel strategy.

Person holding a laptop looking at digital out-of-home advertising in airport

What Is DOOH Advertising?

DOOH refers to any digital advertising that is found outside the home and in a public environment. Whether you’d like to reach drivers as they sit in highway traffic, or spark the interest of consumers as they check out of the grocery store, DOOH has the potential to level up the performance of your multi-channel digital strategy.

Read this guide to learn the unique opportunity that DOOH offers and how you can add it to your media mix.

Woman sitting in a bus shelter staring at digital out-of-home advertising

DOOH Is One of the Fastest Growing Channels

Ads outside the home have been around for centuries. But, over the past few years, this channel has embraced technological innovations allowing its targeting to be more precise and effective at reaching audiences. Today, DOOH is one of the fastest growing programmatic channels, with global ad expenditure projected to amount to $45 billion USD by the end of 2024.

What You’ll Find Inside the Guide

  • What DOOH is and emerging trends in DOOH advertising.
  • 5 benefits of programmatic DOOH advertising.
  • The difference between programmatic DOOH and traditional OOH.
  • Tips on how to get started with DOOH advertising to reach your target audience in public.

Download your copy of the Digital Out-of-Home Advertising Guide now.