Why Build a Multi-Channel Strategy Into Your Advertising Plans

Cover of StackAdapt and Advertiser Perceptions' The Case for Multi-Channel Programmatic Advertising UK report

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About This Report

Learn the benefits of running campaigns across multiple channels and what to consider when building your multi-channel strategy.

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Reach Consumers Across Different Channels

A multi-channel strategy is key in today’s programmatic landscape. Consumers are active across various channels and devices, so using a mix of complementary channels can help increase audience reach.

Download our exclusive research report conducted by StackAdapt, in partnership with Advertiser Perceptions, to learn the benefits of multi-channel advertising and why you need to consider adding it to your digital strategy.

Two men sitting next to each other on a couch starting at their phones

Advertisers See Extended Reach as Top Multi-Channel Benefit

Over half of advertisers see extended reach, increased brand awareness, and ad engagement as the top benefits of multi-channel advertising. According to our report with Advertiser Perceptions, those who have implemented a multi-channel advertising strategy saw a 47% better return on investment (ROI).

What You’ll Find Inside the Report

  • How marketers are using different channels to reach their target audience.
  • The benefits of a multi-channel approach.
  • Insights on the best channels for multi-channel advertising.
  • How to integrate a multi-channel strategy into your digital strategy.

Download your copy to learn about the benefits of multi-channel advertising.