Keeping Up with Private Marketplace Opportunities

Illustrative graphic of a person looking inside boxes

Did you know that Private Marketplace (PMP) volumes have grown YoY by 15% for desktop, 50% for mobile web and 85% for mobile apps in 2017? This growth, coupled with the ability to deliver precise target at scale, means Private Marketplaces can help you reach and target more of the audiences you value. You’ll also be able to solve many common campaign challenges because PMPs provide you with:

  • Access to higher-tier, premium inventory.

  • Greater control over the placement and performance of ads.

  • Access to inventory not available on open exchange.

If you need to optimize your campaign strategy, Private Marketplaces may provide the best results, and now with the introduction of StackAdapt Deals, pre-packaged and custom deals created by the StackAdapt Partnerships team, accessing PMPs is simple.

StackAdapt Deals gives you the ability to choose and execute on a number of pre-packaged deals across a variety of channels and supply sources. Some of the pre-packaged StackAdapt Deals include:

Graphic of the different types of packages from performance to compliance

Our Partnership team has been hard at work consolidating and building these pre-packaged deals to help you target specific inventory. However, if there is inventory you’re looking for that you can’t find in our pre-packaged deals, the Partnership team can also help you facilitate custom deals.

Why Use StackAdapt Deals

As always, we’re with you every step of the way. StackAdapt will work with you to choose publishers that offer inventory most suited for your client, brand or campaign. And detailed reporting allows you to compare the performance of your private deals vs open market buys. This valuable insight will help you target your best audiences and determine where you could use StackAdapt Deals to augment your open market buys for future campaigns.

Want to run exceptional programmatic campaigns? Request a demo to learn more about StackAdapt.

StackAdapt Team
StackAdapt Team



StackAdapt is a digital advertising platform specializing in native, display, video, connected TV, audio, in-game, and DOOH advertising.