Natural Language Processing in Marketing: Turning Data into Strategy

Illustration of NLP analyzing data.

One of the main challenges in marketing analytics is making the leap from raw numerical data to insights that resonate on a human level—especially for non-technical marketers.

This is where Natural Language Processing (NLP) and generative AI come to the rescue. These technologies act as bridges, transforming hard data into actionable, human-understandable insights. 

Large Language Models, like GPT-4 or Claude, are trained on vast amounts of internet data, from social media posts and news articles to mathematical equations, absorbing a bit of everything.

These models can capture and interpret complex data sets. One key application of NLP and generative AI is leveraging this internet-scale knowledge to glean specific insights from your marketing data.

Here are three benefits of NLP for insight generation:

1. Enhanced Decision-Making through Accessible Insights

NLP technologies transform complex, voluminous datasets into clear, actionable insights that marketers can easily interpret and use. 

This accessibility means marketers don’t need deep, technical expertise to understand consumer trends, sentiment analysis, or market shifts. NLP converts data into straightforward narratives or summaries, allowing marketing teams to make informed decisions swiftly, and ensuring strategies respond to current market dynamics. 

For example, analyzing customer feedback across multiple channels can reveal insights into product improvements, leading to better-aligned offerings with customer expectations.

2. Increased Efficiency in Data Analysis Processes

Manual data analysis can be incredibly time consuming, especially when dealing with unstructured data from varied sources, such as social media, customer reviews, and forums. 

NLP automates the extraction of relevant information, significantly reducing the time needed to gather and analyze data. This increased efficiency frees up marketing teams to focus on strategy and implementation rather than getting bogged down by data processing. 

Moreover, NLP can continuously monitor and analyze data streams in real-time, ensuring marketers have the latest insights at their fingertips to quickly adapt to market changes or capitalize on emerging opportunities.

3. Improved Accuracy of Customer Insights and Trend Predictions

NLP’s ability to process and analyze large datasets with an understanding of language nuances greatly enhances the accuracy of customer insights and trend predictions. NLP can also help navigate regional differences so marketers can make more informed decisions.

Traditional analysis methods might miss subtle sentiments expressed in customer feedback or emerging trends hidden in the vast amounts of data. NLP, however, can detect these subtleties, providing a more accurate and comprehensive view of customer sentiments, preferences, and behaviours. 

This precision helps marketers tailor their approach more effectively, leading to better customer engagement, targeted marketing campaigns, and ultimately, improved return on investment (ROI) on marketing efforts. 

For instance, sentiment analysis can uncover not just how many people are talking about a product, but how they feel about it, enabling more nuanced adjustments to product development and marketing strategies.

Incorporating NLP into marketing analytics not only streamlines data analysis, but also enriches the insights derived, leading to more informed decision making, efficiency in operations, and precision in targeting and engaging customers.

Implementing NLP in Marketing Data Analysis

What are the steps for integrating NLP into marketing analytics?

Large-scale models like GPT-3 or GPT-4 represent the pinnacle of NLP capabilities, trained on extensive datasets to understand and generate human-like text. However, developing such models in-house is expensive, with costs for computing resources reaching tens of thousands of dollars.

For most businesses, directly training these behemoths isn’t feasible. 

Instead, they can access them through platforms like OpenAI via API endpoints. This approach democratizes advanced NLP capabilities, allowing even small teams to harness the model’s insights without the need to invest in prohibitive training costs. 

However, a notable limitation is that while these models are versed in a broad range of internet knowledge, they’re not inherently tuned to understand proprietary data, such as internal reports or customer feedback specific to a company.

To bridge this gap, two main strategies emerge: fine-tuning and utilizing middleware for personalized data integration. 

Fine-tuning is a cost-effective method where a pre-existing model is further trained (or fine-tuned) on a specific dataset, such as a company’s customer interaction logs. This process imbues the model with a layer of customization, making it more adept at understanding and generating insights relevant to the business’s unique context.

Another innovative approach involves using middleware solutions that act as interpreters between your proprietary data and the pre-trained models. 

Although these models may not directly “learn” from your data, they can apply their “general intelligence” to analyze your specific datasets, identifying relevant patterns or insights.

For instance, an internal chatbot could sift through company documents, guided by the model’s broad knowledge base, to pinpoint the most pertinent information without direct training on those documents.

These methods show how businesses can leverage cutting-edge NLP technologies to enhance their marketing efforts, from personalized customer insights to streamlined content strategies, without bearing the full cost of developing large-scale models from scratch.

Practical Applications of NLP in Marketing

Let’s look at some applications of NLP in marketing, which are integral to refining brand strategy, personalizing customer experiences, and optimizing content for better engagement and visibility.

1. Sentiment Analysis for Brand Perception

Sentiment analysis leverages NLP to comb through vast amounts of data from social media, reviews, forums, and more, to gauge public sentiment about a brand or product. 

This analysis isn’t just about counting positive versus negative mentions; it’s about understanding the nuances of how people feel and why. 

NLP identifies patterns in customer feedback, so you can pinpoint areas for improvement, recognize what you’re doing right, and adapt your strategies as needed.

2. Customer Segmentation and Personalization

NLP transforms customer segmentation by analyzing behaviour, preferences, and feedback to create highly detailed customer profiles. 

Traditional segmentation might rely on broad demographic data, but NLP allows for a more nuanced approach. It can interpret unstructured data (like customer reviews or social media interactions) to identify specific interests, needs, and even sentiment, enabling businesses to segment their market with a high degree of precision. 

This refined segmentation supports targeted marketing efforts that resonate on a personal level, enhancing customer engagement and loyalty. 

For example, NLP can help identify a segment of customers who are passionate about eco-friendly products, allowing a company to tailor its messaging and offers to this group.

3. Content Optimization and SEO

NLP aids in the optimization of online content by analyzing current trends, competitor content, and search engine algorithms to recommend keywords and topics that are likely to attract and engage the target audience. 

This goes beyond simple keyword stuffing, integrating semantic analysis to understand the context and intent behind search queries. NLP tools can suggest improvements to make content more relevant to user queries, potentially boosting SEO rankings and visibility. 

Additionally, by analyzing successful content within your niche, NLP can guide the creation of new content that’s not only optimized for search engines, but also highly engaging for readers, ensuring that your content strategy remains dynamic and effective in capturing audience interest.

NLP in Programmatic Advertising

Imagine being able to dive into your marketing platform and casually ask, “Which campaign had the highest conversion rate last week?” or “What’s been the trend over the past two weeks?” 

Traditionally, answering these questions would involve a skilled data analyst crafting complex queries, and engineers navigating databases to extract the needed insights. However, with the advent of NLP and generative AI, this process has become as simple as having a conversation with a chatbot.

This chatbot processes your data and translates it back into easily understandable insights, delivered straight to you in conversation. It’s a game-changer for companies looking to leverage their marketing data without the need for extensive engineering resources.

When it comes to utilizing tools like ChatGPT for marketing insights, the beauty lies in its simplicity and flexibility. ChatGPT, while known for its short-term memory, can still hold onto the information you provide within a single session. This means you can feed it a document for summarization, or request it to craft an email copy with a specific tone, all without the need for in-depth customization or expensive fine-tuning. It’s like explaining a concept to a colleague who can immediately apply that knowledge to generate actionable outputs.

This approachable, conversation-based interaction with data not only democratizes access to analytics, but also opens up a world of possibilities for generating content that resonates with your audience.

NLP is revolutionizing programmatic advertising by making campaigns more intelligent, targeted, and efficient. 

Here are specific examples of how NLP facilitates this transformation across different facets of programmatic advertising:

Targeted Advertising

A fitness apparel brand uses NLP to analyze social media conversations and blog posts related to fitness trends, identifying potential customers who are discussing running, yoga, or gym workouts. 

Understanding the context and sentiment of these discussions can help brands dynamically serve personalized ad content that resonates with each user’s specific fitness interests, such as showcasing their latest running shoes to someone who frequently posts about morning runs.

Ad Optimization

An e-commerce company implements NLP algorithms to continuously analyze the performance data of their ad campaigns across various platforms. The system assesses which ad copy and imagery combinations yield the highest engagement and conversion rates among different demographic segments. 

Based on these insights, the algorithm automatically adjusts future ads in real-time, optimizing for factors like time of day, user location, and previously interacted content, thereby increasing ROI through higher click-through and conversion rates.

Sentiment Analysis

A beverage company uses NLP-powered sentiment analysis to monitor and analyze online conversations about its brand and products across social media, forums, and review sites. 

The brand can gauge public sentiment trends, and identify shifts in consumer perception, such as increased positivity towards a new product launch or negative reactions to a recent advertisement. 

This allows the company to fine-tune its messaging and creative assets in upcoming ad campaigns to address consumer concerns, capitalize on positive sentiment, and avoid areas of negative association.

Contextual Targeting

A travel agency employs NLP to analyze the content of web pages and articles that users are reading in real time. 

For someone reading a blog post about “Best Winter Getaways,” the system identifies keywords and themes related to winter travel and destinations. The travel agency’s ads for ski resort packages or winter travel deals are then contextually placed alongside the article, targeting users at the moment their interest is piqued. This method, known as contextual targeting, ensures that ads are relevant to the content being consumed, increasing the likelihood of engagement and action.

These examples underscore how NLP is essential in enhancing the precision, relevance, and effectiveness of programmatic advertising. And all these tools are available within the StackAdapt platform.

With StackAdapt, you can leverage deep insights into user behaviour, sentiment, and context. Advertisers can craft campaigns that can reach the right audience at the right time, and can  resonate on a personal level, driving superior engagement and results.

Overcoming Challenges with NLP in Marketing

Navigating the world of NLP in marketing presents a unique set of challenges, chief among them being the art of prompt engineering. 

This skill has emerged as a critical component due to the opaque nature of these AI models, which operate as a “black box”—their internal workings and the data they’ve been trained on are not transparent to users. 

Crafting the right prompt is crucial; a slight change in wording can lead to vastly different outcomes, and missing a key piece of information might not yield the desired result. Marketers must learn to specify their requests, including the tone and format, to leverage these models effectively.

Another notable challenge is the phenomenon of “hallucination,” where models generate convincing, but inaccurate or fictional information. This underscores the importance of human oversight in the process, ensuring outputs align with factual accuracy and are contextually appropriate.

The handling of proprietary data introduces further complexities. Utilizing models like OpenAI’s involves sharing information with their systems, which might not be suitable for all types of data, especially sensitive or confidential information. 

While it’s possible to train private models to address these concerns, this approach requires significant resources, both in terms of engineering expertise and financial investment. For companies without these resources, exploring services that offer private model training might be a viable alternative. These services can manage the technical heavy lifting, allowing businesses to maintain control over their data without the need for in-house expertise.

Deciding on the best approach involves assessing your specific needs and use cases. For general inquiries or applications where data sensitivity is low, leveraging existing public models may suffice. 

However, for projects involving sensitive customer data, more secure, customized solutions are necessary, even if this means investing in specialized services or in-house capabilities to ensure data privacy and security.

These challenges highlight the delicate balance between harnessing the power of NLP in marketing and navigating the technical, ethical, and operational hurdles that come with it. As the field evolves, so too will the strategies for overcoming these obstacles, paving the way for more sophisticated and secure applications of NLP in the marketing domain.

Embracing the Future of Marketing

NLP is reshaping marketing, offering insights and efficiency that grant a competitive edge. This leap in data analytics and customer understanding requires that marketing leaders integrate AI and NLP into their strategies to stay ahead.

As a marketer, you should actively explore NLP tools, focusing on areas ripe for enhancement like customer interaction or content strategy. 

  • Identify specific areas within your marketing strategy that could benefit most from automation and enhanced insights, such as content optimization, ad targeting, or audience segmentation. 
  • Seek out reputable platforms and services that offer accessible ways to implement NLP, whether through API integrations, customizable chatbots, or sentiment analysis tools. 
  • Invest in training and resources to understand the fundamentals of prompt engineering and data security will also pay dividends. 

Take proactive steps to incorporate NLP into your marketing toolkit, so you can unlock new levels of efficiency and engagement that propel your brand forward.

Finally, take advantage of the NLP tools for programmatic advertising available with StackAdapt. Request a demo today to find out more.

Diego Pineda
Diego Pineda

Editorial Content Manager, B2B


Diego creates thought leadership content and strategy for StackAdapt. He is the author of five novels, 10 non-fiction books, and hundreds of articles and blogs as a science writer, a business writer, and a sales and marketing writer.