StackAdapt Joins Digital Advertising Alliance and IAB Europe’s Global Vendor List

Logos for AdChoices, Digital Advertising Alliance Canada, the Digital Advertising Alliance, and iab Europe

Letter from Vitaly Pecherskiy, Co-Founder of StackAdapt

It would be a mistake to think that what we sell is a lightning-fast UI, machine learning innovation, or customer support. These things would be immaterial without the core value that StackAdapt brings – an ability for brands to communicate with their current and prospective customers.

While GDPR affects only a small part of StackAdapt’s business, we understand that the fundamentals of user privacy and choice concern our entire business, irrespective of where our clients are located or where they advertise

This year we took key steps towards advancing privacy best practices and industry adoption of user-first mentality. They include:

  • Joining IAB Europe’s Global Vendor List and establishing full GDPR compliance
  • Joining Digital Advertising Alliance (DAA) and Digital Advertising Alliance of Canada (DAAC)
  • Supporting AdChoices across the inventory we access

The journey of building a native advertising ecosystem from scratch means we have to continue to invent new ways to address the challenges and opportunities in the digital advertising space. At StackAdapt we have championed non-interruptive, user-first advertising from day one, and we will continue to promote a safe and accountable ecosystem for all stakeholders involved.

Yours in innovation,

Vitaly Pecherskiy

Vitaly Pecherskiy
Vitaly Pecherskiy

Co-founder and CEO


Vitaly is a passionate technologist, futurist, and entrepreneur. Before founding StackAdapt, he was an early employee at AdParlor, a pre-eminent Facebook Ads API partner.