The AI Advantage: Future-Proofing Your Advertising Strategy Beyond Cookies

Illustration of the concept of AI analyzing vast amounts of data.

For advertisers, Google’s recent decision to reconsider its phase-out of third-party cookies may feel like a sigh of relief—but don’t get too comfortable. 

While cookies might linger for a little longer, the reality is apparent: the digital world is moving towards a cookieless future, driven by growing privacy concerns and regulatory changes. 

Advertisers who cling to cookies risk being left behind, while those who embrace emerging technologies like artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) will find themselves leading the charge into a new era of advertising targeting.

Here’s why, even if Google decides to keep cookies for a bit longer, forward-thinking advertisers should prepare for a world without cookies.

The Decline of Cookies and Privacy-Driven Changes

Cookies, once a cornerstone of online tracking and targeted ads, are being scrutinized under new regulations like the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA), alongside privacy-focused moves by tech giants like Apple and Google.

While cookies have enabled advertisers to track users across websites and deliver personalized ads, growing awareness of data privacy is reshaping how consumers view this practice. Recent surveys reveal that not all consumers are comfortable accepting cookies. For instance, more than half of consumers consent to cookies without fully understanding how their data is used. This shows a significant gap in transparency and user awareness regarding data collection.

Graph showing the percentages by generation of people who accept cookies and how often.
Source: EMARKETER Survey, “US Consumer Attitudes on Advertising and Privacy,” July 2024

Additionally, consumers are increasingly sensitive to how their personal information is used in advertising. Personal data-based targeting methods, such as those relying on demographic or location information, are seen as highly intrusive, even when the ads are relevant. On the other hand, consumers are more likely to accept ads based on less invasive methods—like interactions with ads or past online behaviours. This indicates that while users may appreciate relevant ads, they are growing less tolerant of ads that intrude on their personal information.

As privacy becomes a priority, advertisers can no longer rely solely on third-party cookies to deliver effective campaigns. Instead, the industry is shifting toward privacy-friendly strategies like first-party data collection and AI-powered targeting methods. These approaches aim to maintain the effectiveness of personalized advertising while respecting user privacy so advertisers can stay ahead.

The Role of AI in Transforming Advertising Targeting

As third-party cookies become less popular, AI is emerging as a critical solution for transforming how advertisers target audiences. AI offers advanced tools that replace traditional tracking methods while delivering personalized and relevant ads.

AI’s strength lies in its ability to analyze vast amounts of data, uncovering patterns and insights that were previously difficult to detect. Rather than following users across the web with cookies, AI processes various data points—such as behavioural, contextual, and first-party data—to predict consumer preferences and timing. This results in more efficient and precise targeting without infringing on user privacy.

One major area of impact is contextual targeting, where AI-driven algorithms analyze webpage content in real time and pair ads with the most relevant context. This guarantees that ads remain effective while avoiding the need for cross-site tracking and respecting user privacy. How effective is contextual targeting? Consider how Talking Stick Digital teamed up with StackAdapt to identify and target travellers through contextually relevant ad placements, increasing bookings and generating over £210K in revenue for their client.

Additionally, AI improves personalization in advertising campaigns. Machine learning technologies help dynamically optimize ad content for individual viewers, creating highly personalized experiences that resonate with users based on their preferences and behaviours. This personalized approach increases engagement and delivers better results for advertisers.

AI allows advertisers to continue effectively targeting consumers, even without cookies. Intelligent data processing through AI sets a new standard for high-impact advertising that prioritizes user privacy.

Machine Learning’s Role in Targeting and Measurement

Machine learning is reshaping how advertisers approach targeting and measurement in a privacy-first world. Machine learning provides new methods for refining targeting strategies through data-driven insights and advanced predictive capabilities.

  • Machine learning processes first-party data—information collected directly from users on websites, apps, and other owned platforms—to identify user behaviour and preferences patterns. This allows you to create more accurate audience segments and deliver relevant content without relying on third-party cookies. Machine learning predicts user interests based on past interactions for better targeting that aligns with privacy-first principles.
  • Predictive analytics, driven by machine learning, enhances targeting by anticipating future user behaviours and needs. Instead of reacting to actions after they occur, machine learning enables advertisers to deliver personalized content at the optimal time, improving the overall impact of their campaigns.
  • In measurement, machine learning is transforming how advertisers assess the success of their efforts. Due to privacy regulations, traditional attribution models become less effective as tracking options diminish. Machine learning compensates for this by offering advanced attribution techniques that analyze diverse data sources to evaluate the effectiveness of each touchpoint in a consumer’s journey. This leads to more accurate insights into which strategies are performing well and where improvements are needed.

Universal IDs for Advertising Targeting

As privacy becomes a dominant force shaping digital advertising, many companies have taken proactive steps to stay ahead of the curve. 

For instance, StackAdapt moved away from cookie-based targeting and adopted privacy-first targeting methods early. StackAdapt built its platform on more sustainable practices, reducing dependence on third-party data and promoting privacy-conscious advertising.

However, the move toward privacy-first advertising has not been without challenges. One major hurdle is ID bridging, linking a user’s identity across different platforms and devices. Advertisers must trust only their data and not rely solely on suppliers for validation. Supplier data can be manipulated or misinterpreted, leading to ineffective targeting or compliance issues. For successful ID bridging, transparency and control over data are paramount.

Newer demand-side platforms (DSPs) are adopting practices that reduce reliance on cookies, taking advantage of these AI-driven, privacy-first strategies. These platforms are building solutions that align with today’s privacy regulations and technological shifts. In contrast, older DSPs still heavily depend on cookie-based tracking, which puts them at a disadvantage as privacy concerns continue to grow and cookie-based methods lose favour.

Looking ahead, the future of cross-device tracking is closely tied to the adoption of universal IDs. These IDs aim to track users across multiple devices while respecting privacy standards. 

As the ad tech landscape evolves, universal IDs will become vital in bridging the gap between effective ad targeting and user privacy, ensuring that advertisers can still deliver relevant content across platforms without compromising data integrity. With AI and machine learning guiding the way, the future of advertising targeting promises to be more secure, precise, and privacy-centric.

The Future of Advertising Targeting With AI

AI’s role in advertising will extend far beyond data processing. Predictive analytics and real-time decision-making will allow advertisers to anticipate consumer needs accurately. This predictive power will make it possible to serve highly-personalized ads when users are most likely to engage with them. AI’s ability to identify and respond to consumer behaviour patterns will refine targeting strategies, making them more precise without compromising user privacy.

AI-driven technologies, such as dynamic creative optimization (DCO), are revolutionizing how advertisers approach personalization. Instead of static ads, campaigns will dynamically adjust in real time based on individual user interactions, creating hyper-relevant experiences tailored to each person’s preferences. This level of personalization, combined with privacy-first data practices, will set a new standard for digital marketing.

As AI develops, transparency and ethical use will become critical components of advertising strategies. Maintaining trust with consumers will require advertisers to communicate how AI improves their experiences without exploiting their personal information. The balance between innovation and ethical responsibility will shape the future of AI-driven targeting.

AI will also drive the adoption of more advanced measurement tools. Traditional methods of tracking and attribution are becoming obsolete, and AI will introduce new ways to evaluate campaign performance. These tools will go beyond basic metrics, providing deeper insights into user engagement and helping advertisers fine-tune their approaches for maximum impact.

In the future, advertising targeting will not only rely on AI’s technical capabilities, but it will also be defined by how well the industry adapts to changing consumer expectations and privacy standards. AI will help you remain agile, innovative, and responsive in a world where privacy and personalization must coexist.

Find out how StackAdapt’s platform can help you move beyond cookies and into the future of AI targeted advertising. Book a demo today to get started.

Diego Pineda
Diego Pineda

Editorial Content Manager, B2B


Diego creates thought leadership content and strategy for StackAdapt. He is the author of five novels, 10 non-fiction books, and hundreds of articles and blogs as a science writer, a business writer, and a sales and marketing writer.