Cookieless Strategies For Your Advertising Campaigns

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Learn how contextual targeting enables marketers to take control of their ad campaigns without the use of cookies.

Person opening up a fortune cookie

Explore Cookieless Solutions

The programmatic landscape is constantly changing. Privacy-related regulations are being increasingly adopted, and more limitations are being placed on digital environments where cookies exist. 

In fact, 71% of advertisers believe that contextual targeting will be more important in a cookieless environment, according to 100 agency and brand advertisers across the UK surveyed for a report conducted by StackAdapt in partnership with Advertiser Perceptions.

Person reaching for a cookie on a plate

Take Control of Your Ads With Contextual Targeting

Advertisers know they need to shift to new targeting methodologies in a cookieless digital environment, but many have yet to act. We found that only 28% of advertisers have implemented contextual solutions. Contextual advertising solutions are a great method for reaching the right audience, at the right time, and in the right context.

What You’ll Find Inside the Report

  • Stats and insights on how advertisers and brand marketers are preparing for cookieless environments.
  • Insights on how advertisers and brands can leverage contextual strategies for digital campaigns.
  • The role that contextual advertising plays in cookieless targeting.
  • How brands can use machine learning and AI to stay competitive.

Download our report and start building your contextual strategy.