Life in Adtech: Creating Strategy Informed Ads

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In our blog series “Life in Adtech” we’re showcasing the different ways in which StackAdapters are driving innovation in adtech, and creating a progressive tech culture. From using modeling and data to create advanced algorithms to building stylish and robust user interfaces, everyone at StackAdapt is contributing to evolving the StackAdapt platform and providing the best product and service to our clients.

This month features Te’Shawn Dwyer, a Creative Strategist at StackAdapt. Te’Shawn shares his journey into adtech, what his role entails, and how the creative strategy team at StackAdapt supports the success of StackAdapt users.

Can you share a bit about your journey into working as a Creative Strategist?

After graduating from school with experience in illustration and animation, I went to work at a Canadian startup. I did graphic design there, helping the startup grow through creative and marketing. Eventually, I was promoted to brand manager, which meant I took on more responsibilities related to advertising. 

At the startup, I realized that I really enjoyed combining my creative skills with advertising strategy. In looking for a new role, StackAdapt appealed to me because Creative Strategists get to do a combination of everything I enjoy. Applying to StackAdapt was a no-brainer!

How do Creative Strategists contribute to the success of campaigns run on StackAdapt? 

My goal as a Creative Strategist is to provide ad creation and support to clients who do not have access to creative resources or a creative team in house. We help these users by building creative assets for their campaigns, like HTML5 banners and video ads

We contribute to the success of campaigns run on StackAdapt not just by providing creative assets, but by coupling those assets with strategy. Using insights and data from research and evaluating our previous efforts, we’re able to ensure the creatives we build are optimized for performance, are eye catching, and nail the messaging of the overall campaign.

What is your process for building creative strategies and concepts?

There is always a strategy behind the concept of an ad, and coming up with that strategy is the first step in my process. I start by reviewing the client’s advertising plan to develop an idea of how the creative I’m working on will fit into their funnel and support their overall goals. 

This initial research helps me to hone in on the messaging of the ad, and determine who the ad is speaking to. I often like to put myself into the shoes of the target audience. I envision how I might react or respond to different pieces of creative that have specialized messaging and then layer in a tactile approach that will guide the viewer down the funnel. 

The final step is to decide what type of interactivity I can layer into the ad. For example, if the creative is a part of top-funnel tactics, I will focus on integrating elements that present brand awareness like video, or a component that cycles through features and benefits of the product or service being advertised. 

How do you and your team members brainstorm fresh ideas for engaging creatives?

Our team is very collaborative. We have reoccurring team huddles, creative coffees, and plenty of impromptu brainstorming sessions. We always focus on the big picture when we discuss new ideas together, and then we narrow down from there.

I find that the rapid ideation phase is crucial to me because I like being able to think through lots of different options before I start designing or building. By exhausting all the bad ideas, I usually land on a really good one! 

​​What is the key to success for Creative Strategists?

One of the keys to success I’ve found is to have an open mind. As a Creative Strategist, it’s important to be a bit like a sponge. Soaking up every and any idea helps feed our creativity, so we’re able to deliver fresh concepts that are backed by insights and strategy. 

Aside from an open mind, communication and people skills are essential. We have to be able to provide constructive feedback and creative briefs to the production team in a way that enables us to collaborate with them well. And of course, we have to be open to receiving feedback, too! 

What is the most rewarding part about working as a Creative Strategist at StackAdapt?

The most rewarding part of being a Creative Strategist is that I get to work in a dynamic environment where I’m able to do a little bit of everything, and flex new ideas. Conceptualizing strategies has always been the part of the creative pipeline that I most enjoy, and so I love that I get to do that every day here at StackAdapt.

It’s also super rewarding to work so collaboratively with the rest of the team. It’s always fun to brainstorm new ideas with like-minded, passionate people. And of course, it’s fulfilling to see the positive impact that our work has on the success of StackAdapt campaigns!

Interested in joining StackAdapt? See our open roles and apply here.

In each new addition, we will be highlighting our teams and team members in our “Life In Adtech” series—stay tuned for more!

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StackAdapt Team



StackAdapt is a digital advertising platform specializing in native, display, video, connected TV, audio, in-game, and DOOH advertising.