Digital Marketing Channels to Adopt in 2024

Graphic illustrating different advertising channels, such as CTV, in-game, audio, and DOOH

Brands and agencies are integrating rising digital marketing channels into their media plans to take advantage of new opportunities for ad creativity and innovation, and to effectively reach their intended audiences.

Channels like connected TV (CTV), audio, in-game advertising, and digital out-of-home (DOOH) are gaining increasing relevance, and solidifying their place in multi-channel marketing strategies

Digital Marketing Channels to Adopt Now

You won’t want to ignore these channels in 2024. Read on to learn how you can get started with adding them to your media mix, now.  

Connected TV (CTV)

In 2023, 88 percent of US households owned at least one internet-connected TV device, while the number of CTV users amounted to more than 110 million among Gen Z and Millennials. The rise of streaming through connected TV devices is becoming increasingly popular, which means 2024 is the perfect time to add this channel to your media mix. 

Connected TV (CTV) describes any type of TV that is capable of streaming digital video. This includes smart TVs and devices that enable streaming, like Roku. CTV includes any ad that plays before or after the streaming of content on connected TV devices. This channel allows advertisers to reach highly targeted, potentially niche audiences, and provides access to detailed reporting and metrics. 

The devices that linear TV and CTV viewers use are similar. To get started with CTV, modify your existing linear TV budget to include both channels. You can earn more ad placements, and reach your audience more efficiently. Then, repurpose your existing linear TV ads for CTV campaigns. The TV spot creative that you used for a linear TV campaign is likely to capture your desired audience through CTV as well. 

You can also leverage retargeting to kickstart your CTV efforts by retargeting individuals who saw a linear TV ad through programmatic campaigns. By following up a linear TV ad with a CTV ad, you can bridge the gap between these channels. 

Programmatic Audio

According to Insider Intelligence, by 2024, digital audio will make up a fifth of all time spent with digital media in the US, and nearly 75% of US internet users will listen to digital audio. Going into 2024, it’s the perfect moment to reach this growing audience with programmatic audio.

Programmatic audio automates the selling and insertion of ads into audio content. Ads reach your audience through various devices, including desktop, mobile, and tablet. You’re able to buy targeted ads from all the major audio publishers using one system.

Audio is a unique advertising medium because it leverages just sound to share a message with your audience. Every detail of an audio ad contributes to that message, from the scripting, to the sound design. 

To get started with programmatic audio, you’ll need to create audio ads that resonate with listeners. Start by developing a message that is clear, include a CTA within the audio ad’s script, use music and sounds to tap into your listeners’ imagination, and leverage a conversational tone. Your audio ads should also be kept brief, so that listeners are more likely to remember the core message. 


There are 184.6 million gamers in the US, representing a sizable and largely untapped audience for brands. In-game advertising enables ads to appear in mobile, computer, and video games. Ads are seamlessly integrated, so they don’t interrupt gameplay.

Because gaming is an emerging programmatic channel, advertisers have the unique opportunity to experiment with new strategies to reach engaged audiences.  

To get started with in-game advertising, you’ll need to optimize your ads for the gaming environment. Creatives should be tailored to fit into gameplay seamlessly. Use high-contrast colours and avoid small details in your in-game ad creative so that your ads are visible even from far away.

In-game advertising ads should include your brand name or logo to help improve brand recognition and encourage brand affinity. If your creative includes text, use a large font that is easy to read, and don’t include text effects. Keep the copy short and to the point. In the gaming environment, this will make it possible for users to quickly read the ad as they play. 

Finally, include a clear and actionable CTA. The user shouldn’t need to click anything. Instead, the CTA should inform them of what they can do next, like visit your site for more. 

Digital Out-of-Home (DOOH) 

Digital out-of-home (DOOH) is any digital ad that is found outside the home, and in a public environment. You can run DOOH campaigns on a variety of formats and sizes, and in various public environments. 

There are many benefits to this channel. Programmatic automates the buying and delivery of DOOH ads, so you can buy and manage your DOOH campaigns through your programmatic platform. DOOH is not subject to privacy regulations because it doesn’t use or collect cookies, and it’s an exciting format that can engage audiences in new ways. 

For example, DOOH ads can include interactive elements. They might entertain audiences with games and competitions, or share interesting information. These ads have the potential to build brand relationships with your audience, in moments when they’re looking for entertainment.

To get started with DOOH ads, you’ll need to assess what environment your ads will resonate best in, and which format of DOOH to leverage. There are 3 main formats for DOOH ads, and picking the right one depends on where the ad will be placed, and the creative and messaging for the ad. 

Large format DOOH ads are large media that can be displayed on highway billboards, bus shelters, and more. They’re best viewed by pedestrians and street-level traffic. Place-based DOOH ads are shown in contextually relevant environments like malls, gyms, office buildings, gas stations, restaurants, and more. This format enables you to reach consumers in a natural setting.

Point-of-purchase (POP) ads are DOOH ads that are a subcategory of place-based inventory. POP signage is usually found in shopping destinations like malls, grocery stores, and retail stores. With this DOOH format you can influence the purchasing decisions of consumers while they’re in-store.

Get Started With New Digital Marketing Channels

To start reaping the benefits of CTV, audio, in-game advertising, and DOOH, you can take these action steps:

1. Create a multi-channel approach. 

People often consume different types of content on different platforms, whether it’s through their phone, laptop, or internet-connected TV. You’ll need to strategize a combination of native, display, video, CTV, audio, in-game advertising, and DOOH across multiple devices to get maximum reach, keeping in mind what makes sense for their media mix.

2. Differentiate the ads that are being served.

Showing the same ads on all devices and digital marketing channels likely won’t be an effective way to reach consumers. You run the risk of losing their attention, leading to ad fatigue. For instance, a non-clickable ad on CTV won’t serve the same purpose as an ad on a mobile device. You’ll need to be strategic about serving ads that will get people to engage. 

3. Test out partners and technology.

For effective digital marketing you’ll need to consistently test out creative, targeting and measurement strategies to determine what is helping you hit your key performance indicators (KPIs). Take the time to choose the right programmatic platform to partner with. Look at the performance, the targeting capabilities, and the algorithms for each one to differentiate the players in the space.

Leverage These Digital Marketing Channels for Success

Applying these approaches to CTV, audio, in-game, and DOOH advertising will set you up to see return on investment, and improve the success of your multi-channel digital marketing strategy in 2024 and beyond!

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Erin Hynes
Erin Hynes

Content Marketing Manager


Erin is a content marketer with experience crafting thought-provoking content that drives awareness and supports customer acquisition. She is also a travel writer and podcaster in the tourism space.