Overcoming Social Media Advertising Barriers With Native

Shifting Strategy From Social to Native Advertising
Twenty One Ton faced challenges with advertising on social media for their cannabis investor client due to the sector’s advertising restrictions. As a result, they sought alternative methods, turning to native advertising through StackAdapt. The native campaigns delivered impressive results, achieving their client’s awareness goals while keeping cost-per-click (CPC) down.
Solutions Used
Strategies to Reach a Unique Audience
Twenty One Ton ran two native campaigns with two distinct goals: drive awareness and achieve clicks. They constantly refined their domain inclusion lists, identifying the most high-quality leads and then targeting that audience on both mobile and desktop. Here are the tactics they used:
Custom Segments
Used StackAdapt intent-based Custom Segments to build an audience of individuals actively reading about cannabis investing.
Ran native campaigns to drive awareness and achieve clicks, continually refining them to meet campaign goals.
Domain Inclusion Lists
Selected specific domains that had a proven track record of generating the most high-quality leads for mobile and desktop.
Twenty One Ton Grows Cannabis Investor Awareness With Native
Twenty One Ton’s native campaign with StackAdapt helped their cannabis investor reach the most relevant audience. Taking their campaign outside of social media, they achieved a 44% decrease in CPC and a 270% increase in CTR on desktop.
CPC on Mobile
Decrease in CPC on Desktop
Increase in CTR on Desktop

Andrew Shaw
Founder & President
Twenty One Ton